Pergo Clima - Bestende
Bestende è un’azienda produttrice di tende da sole e vetrate panoramiche, con sede ad Ornago, in Brianza. Monza e Brianza.
chiusure a vetro per attività commerciali, tende orizzontali, vetrate panoramiche Ornago, vetrate panoramiche Monza Brianza, tende da sole Monza Brianza, showroom tende da sole monza brianza, tende da sole Ornago
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pergo clima-s


Big dimensions, elegant style, extreme durability. Ideal for business local.

Pillars 150 x 150 mm pillars, with embedded rain gutter. Maximum dimensions L 4.500 x S 7.500 mm with one module L 9.000 x S 7.500 mm with two modules and L 11.000 x S 7.500 mm with three modules.


Distinguished by:

-150x150mm pillars with built-in gutter.
-Maximum dimensions 4.500×7.500mm with one module, 9.000×7.500mm with two modules and 11.000×7.500mm for three modules.
-Installation with a minimum angle of 15% o 8°.
-Lateral guides in extruded aluminium.
-Lighting with LED strips and/or spotlights.
-Engine self-tensioned with support + remote control 1 channel.
-PVC fabrics Sublock and/or Texout – Opatex Prò.



Pergo Clima S